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Latest Members who have just joined up:

hit me up for convo

Age 32 From Willimantic, Connecticut - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (576 Miles Away)

hit me up for more info. not really not to into filling this stuff out

Exotic Amazon Goddess

Age 34 From New Haven, Connecticut - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (536 Miles Away)

I'm a sweet fun loving Scorpio looking to meet new people. If interested contact me & spark a flame!


Age 44 From Stamford, Connecticut - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (502 Miles Away)

Latina ; very passionate girl ; im here to meet new people

23 In Norwalk

Age 26 From Norwalk, Connecticut - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (510 Miles Away)

Looking for a sweet man to spoil me and have a great time with me


Age 36 From Hartford, Connecticut - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (554 Miles Away)

I'm a housewife from Connecticut without a husband! Why is it so hard to find a guy who makes good money and has a great ass? I just want a puppy, a man and a housekeeper lol but seriously!

Msg me at Cmelissa0164 at gi male dutkum

Age 34 From Greenwich, Connecticut - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (497 Miles Away)

(: I think I'm a pretty cool gal. I appreciate music a whole bunch, and I'm a very spiritual person. 'm very positive, and I love getting to meet new people. Don't be shy, talk to me sometime!

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