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Age 39 From West Hollywood, California - Online Now
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1978 Miles Away)

Looking for Bottom Hotties Boyfriend Material! Please Read My Entire Profile. Thank you. NO Random Hook Up NO Scorpio! NO NPD NO BPD NO Bipolar You be GOOD LOOKING, MUSCULAR, single, somewhat sane or medicated under doctor's supervision, fun...

submissive sissy looking for real men

Age 53 From Los Angeles, California - Online Today
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1975 Miles Away)

Intelligent submissive sissy who enjoys dominant men who know how to treat me like a woman.

You had me at "Do u want fries w/ that?

Age 25 From Los Angeles, California - Online 4 days ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1975 Miles Away)

I love hands - strong multi-purpose, flexible hands - prefer a pair, if possible. I like active guys who are a mix of good and bad with good usually winning out (though this is not a requirement in all rooms of the house). Love originality and new...

Hello everyone here is Rubi

Age 34 From San Francisco, California - Online 5 days ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (2108 Miles Away)

Hello everyone I'm here to know if anyone have interested to grab some beer or meeting sometime I'm from san Francisco so send me a message if you are that one want to meet a TS latina

See what's out there

Age 35 From Santa Monica, California - Online 5 days ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1987 Miles Away)

I'm cute CD whose nice and down to earth. I like well-built 'Very Good Looking' men. I play safe. I cross-dress, though since I'm a gay tomboi-ish male by day for work, I'm looking for a man that likes both sides of me. I particularly go for...

hello I'm Star

Age 36 From Sylmar, California - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1976 Miles Away)

submissive cool funny outgoing, I am clean dd free, I don't drink or smoke, I like tall husky guys that like to laugh and smile

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