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Feature Members that have just joined up:

bottom with a fetish for high heels

Age 42 From Canton, Ohio - Online Now
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (97 Miles Away)

a CD/TV who just LOVES the whole Forced Womanhood fantasy and wants to go all the way. i seek a Master/Mistress/Couple to be a 24/7 she-male slave for. i want to go all the way, hormones, implants, penis chastisement, permanent is fine by me and what...

T D MTF Transgender

Age 54 From Fremont, Ohio - Online Yesterday
TS/TV/TG Seeking TS/TV/TG (96 Miles Away)

Fun person who likes to go out make new friends. I love high heels and everything sexy

Looking for a nice top man that can host

Age 40 From North Ridgeville, Ohio - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (111 Miles Away)

I need a man that can have me over on a regular basis.

the sweetest sissy ever

Age 33 From Canton, Ohio - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking TS/TV/TG (97 Miles Away)

im 6'0 feet tall, but im passable, i may not have the pic to prove it but i have a fem face, long curly hair, long girly nails that are natural, and a very average size clitty, hides perfectly in panties, but also big enough to have fun with ohhh...

I want to do shemale porn

Age 27 From Cleveland, Ohio - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (119 Miles Away)

I am mainly looking for huge shemale cock, I like being on the bottom, i am a crossdresser and I just want to have sex

48 In Avon

Age 51 From Avon, Ohio - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (114 Miles Away)

Im nonbinary with both male and female characteristics. Life is confusing. I'm looking for a discreet friendship with a dominant fwb that doesn't mind my guy looks and enjoys my hidden fem charms. I have soft skins, fun curves and like body contact...

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