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Bottom, slightly sub cd.

Age 47 From Diamond Bar, California - Online Yesterday
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1952 Miles Away)

Looking to meet nice and considerate people. I have a fetish for pantyhose/stockings & heels. I'm not a top or vers. Strickly bottom.

Shy CD for other CDs

Age 52 From Menifee, California - Online Yesterday
TS/TV/TG Seeking TS/TV/TG (1927 Miles Away)

Shy closeted CD looking for another CD to help break me out of my shell. I would love to meet a CD or two who can help me with my make-up and help me build enough confidence to go out. I'm bi, but I'm not attracted to masculine men. I like gurls with...

Hello everyone here is Rubi

Age 34 From San Francisco, California - Online 2 days ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (2108 Miles Away)

Hello everyone I'm here to know if anyone have interested to grab some beer or meeting sometime I'm from san Francisco so send me a message if you are that one want to meet a TS latina

SissyassCd, 4men/Cd's, tvs, 2play with

Age 50 From Los Angeles, California - Online 6 days ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking TS/TV/TG (1970 Miles Away)

Horny Cd, love wearing slutty high heels, nylons, sexy outfits for men,Tv's other Cd's to playing with. Opened minded to most everything.

a ts looking for a ltr

Age 42 From San Diego, California - Online 1 week ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (1949 Miles Away)

I am looking for a ltr with someone snd I want someone who is nice and kind and loyal and respectful to his woman and I want someone who I can trust and someone who is not a liar and not a jerk

Wanna go sky diving

Age 34 From Salinas, California - Online Over 2 weeks ago
TS/TV/TG Seeking Man (2091 Miles Away)

I love to dress up I'm submissive always a bottom I'm 100% femm I am a size queen big dick is a must

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